Find Us : 71 South Orange Avenue (Suite 336) South Orange, New Jersey 07079

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Khadijah Dawah &
Community Service


Brothers and Sisters of Humanity, I greet you with the historic greetings of Peace Be Upon You (As Salaamu Alaikum). My name is Kadijah. I want to share my story briefly with you as to how I was blessed with the Religion of Islam, and since that time, how I have devoted my time to Dawah (the propagation of Islam). I was born into a Hindu family (Hinduism is the dominant religion practiced in India). For many years, I had a very successful career in the music industry, where I promoted many international artists.

In the year 2000 had a dream in which someone gave me a Holy Qur’an. This was a very defining moment in my life, because in real life I found that same Holy Qur’an. Soon thereafter, I took my Shahadah (bearing witness that there is no God but ALLAH).

Now, as a Muslim, I began to practice Islam (All praises due to ALLAH-Alhamdulillah). During my practice of Islam, I identified gross ignorance and misunderstandings as the root cause of Islamophobia. Rather than ignoring the state of affairs, I funded and started an initiative to distribute Islamic materials such as DVDs, CDs, and Holy Qur’ans (in many languages).These materials are free to any individual, institutions, organizations, and libraries who request them.My goal is not to convert anyone, for true Guidance only comes from ALLAH (the Most High). My goal is to help clear up as much misunderstandings as possible. I continuously receive requests for Islamic materials, and I am happy to say that there is an increase for these Dawah matierals from various Hindu individuals. With such constant demands, my resources are sometimes depleted and I am always seeking financial gifts and volunteers who can donate their time.

I travel all around the country selling unique products at conferences and other events. So contact me if you need Islamic material, or if you can help.


My name is Khadijah. I was born into a family of Hindus and had a successful career in music promotion for many years. Then, around year 2000, I had a dream in which I saw a Qur’an. After finding the same Qur’an in real life, I became a Muslim, Alhamdulillah. I started promoting Islam instead of music and began producing da’wa materials which I offer to everyone almost free of charge. It is true that I could make a lot more money in the music business but it is in the next life that I seek my reward.

Zakat, Sadaqa & General Charity WELCOME

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Khadijah Dawah & Community Service

Khadijah Dawah & Community Service
71 South Orange Avenue (Suite 336) South Orange, New Jersey 07079